Acing The ACT: Reading Time Trial Answers

Passage 4

1. B
Line 25 states the definition of “vulgar errors”.

2. C
Lines 20-25 state this information.

3. C
Lines 24-26 explicitly mention Browne’s “wit” and “style”.

4. A
Lines 14-16 explicitly state this information.

5. B
Lines 15-21 state this information.

6. A
Lines 27-33 contain this information.

7. D
“The camera never lies” suggests what the question wants: that whatever photo was taken, however fake, people will believe it. 

8. B
The main topic of passage B is the unicorn, while passage A is an overview of Browne. 

9. D
Lines 16-25 state this information.

10. A
Lines 16-25 state this information.