Acing The ACT: Reading Time Trial Answers

Passage 3

1. A
Broad answers are best when summarizing a passage. B covers only reconstructing fossils. C only covers the first set of evidence. D only covers the fossils found in Egypt.

2. D
Lines 9-15 mention he expected fossils of early mammals. Instead, he found “large” bones that were “older” than he expected. 

3. D
The passage doesn’t mention viciousness (A), realistic models (B), or unsolvable mysteries (C).

4. D
The passage suggests that the event had a very, very small chance of happening.

5. C
The phrases are not visual (A), do not show how it searched for prey (B) or show differences (D). It is an impression, not something specific. 

6. B
Lines 33-36 show that Ibrahim had seen Stromer’s work before.

7. C
The image created is only a possible recreation. It’s not the actual creation, nor is it fully imaginary. 

8. C
Stromer was the first to find the fossils (paragraphs 1-2), and Ibrahim used Stromer’s work to expand on his own (Paragraphs 3-5)

9. A
Lines 53-54 state this information. 

10. A
 Lines 49-55 mention all of the information except for the dorsal fin.